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in the face of the financial market uncertainties, i amencouraging and telling you to invest in yourself. invest in youreducation. invest in the life you want to live. invest in yourselfthrough learning to code. be willing to expand your horizons and explorenew opportunities. invest in yourself in a way in which you willbuild a strong foundation for your future. invest in yourself, investin life in yourself and above all invest in your family. invest all ofwhat you can in yourself. there will come a time when it wontbe enough.
last time i was on campus, i had the privilege of speaking to you.i can sense that you are a proud and determined makerereuniversity graduate. on graduation day, i also want to take this opportunity tothank you for the efforts you have put in. the distance educationprogramme that our faculty is currently offering, 'design your ownstudy', has been very well received by both students and ourfaculty. on graduation day, i am very happy to inform you thatthe programme is now being extended for five years. please continueto avail of this project so that you will be able to build andstrengthen your education in a more flexible way. in saying this, ialso want to congratulate you, as the new students who have joinedus through this programme on graduation day.
you have earned our gratitude for your strong academiccommitment and hardwork. you are now part of makerere university as apre-pleading apprentice. i thank you. on graduation day, there willbeserves and lots of managing to be done. you have a new home to lookafter. you will be the future leaders of the country. we will stay inintouch. we are happy that your academic journey ends here on graduationday. you have your talents and abilities to offer to the country. d2c66b5586